Music Police


Welcome to Music Police, where we're not just talking the talk but walking the walk with our transformative campaign, "REFRAME." Developed in collaboration with the "Revive" Australia's Cultural Policy Document, REFRAME is a dynamic initiative aimed at sparking real change within Australia's music industry.

Here's a sneak peek into the concrete actions we're taking to fuel collaboration and conversation:

  1. Inclusive Forums and Discussions: Our campaign hosts inclusive forums and discussions that tackle pressing issues in the music industry, such as diversity and representation. By providing a platform for open conversations, we aim to drive change and encourage a more inclusive and equitable music community.
  2. Artist Collaboration Grants: To put our commitment to collaboration into action, we’re offering artist collaboration grants. These grants will empower musicians to partner with others from diverse backgrounds and genres, ensuring that innovative, cross-genre collaborations become a reality.
  3. Music Industry Advocacy: We’re taking our campaign beyond the music scene by advocating for policies that support artists and foster collaboration. Through lobbying efforts and partnerships with policymakers, we aim to make tangible changes at the legislative level.
REFRAME is not just a lofty vision; it’s a campaign rooted in actionable steps that will redefine Australian music from the ground up. Join us in this journey as we turn rhetoric into reality, and together, we’ll reshape the Australian music landscape for the better.

Let's make music history through collaboration!

    At Music Police, we understand that music flourishes when we unite. Our mission is to create a harmonious music community through collaboration.
    Whether you're an Australian artist, an international label, a music publisher, a government entity, or a private sector partner, we invite you to be a part of our journey.

    Our Work

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    Digital Culture MANIFESTO Reshaping Digital Culture Through Music and Art At Music Police, we are not just a consultancy agency; we are pioneers in transforming digital culture. Our mission is

    “Around here, however, we don’t look backward for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious… and curiosity keeps leading us

    Global Greetings from Music Police, where our mission extends beyond Australian borders to impact the global cultural and creative landscape. We are steadfast in our commitment to empower artists, engage

    BRAND Our mission at Music Police is not only to champion impactful campaigns but also to establish a strong and influential brand that resonates with the music industry and government

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